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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - deep


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~1 adj 1 »GOING FAR DOWN« going far down from the top or from the surface  (a deep hole in the ground | Come on, get in! The water's not very deep here. | 2 metres/6 feet etc deep)  (At this point the lake is ninety metres deep.) 2 knee-deep/ankle-deep etc deep enough to come up to your knees etc  (Soon they were in waist-deep mud.) 3 »GOING FAR IN« going far in from the outside or from the front edge of something  (He had a deep wound on his forehead. | deep in the forest/mountains etc (=far from the edge of the forest etc))  (The path led them deep into the forest.) 4 »FEELING/BELIEF« a deep feeling or belief is very strong and sincere  (Even Rob's parents regarded him with deep suspicion.) 5 run/go deep if a feeling such as hatred or anger runs deep in someone, they feel it very strongly, especially because of things that have happened in the past  (Resentment against the police runs deep in the community.)  (- see also still waters run deep still2 (5)) 6 »SOUND« a deep sound is very low  (his deep voice | There was a flash and a deep roar.) 7 »COLOUR« a deep colour is dark and strong  (the deep blue sky)  (- compare light3 (1), pale1 (2)) 8 »BREATH ETC« a deep sigh2 gulp2 etc involves taking a lot of air into your lungs before letting it out again with a loud sound  (He took a deep breath and began to sing.) 9 »SERIOUS« a) someone who is deep or has deep thoughts thinks very hard about things, often in a way that other people find difficult to understand  (Hal seems to me to be a very deep, sensitive type of person.) b) a deep book, conversation, thought etc involves serious, complicated, or mysterious subjects that are often difficult to understand  (a deep conversation about the meaning of life) 10 deep in debt owing a lot of money 11 deep sleep if someone is in a deep sleep it is difficult to wake them 12 be in deep trouble also be in deep shit slang to be in a bad situation because you have done something wrong or stupid  (Don't say another word. You're in deep shit already.) 13 in deep water in trouble or in a difficult or serious situation  (He had an uneasy feeling he was getting into deep water.) 14 to be in deep informal to be very involved in a situation, especially one that causes you problems 15 deep in thought/conversation etc thinking so hard, or paying attention to something so much that you do not notice anything else that is happening around you 16 jump/be thrown in at the deep end to choose to do or be made to do a very difficult job without having prepared for it  (Our policy is to throw trainee representatives right in at the deep end.) 17 go off at the deep end informal to become angry suddenly and violently, usually without good reason - deepness n ~2 adv 1 always + adv/prep a long way into or below the surface of something; deeply + down/below etc  (He pushed his stick deep down into the mud. | Carl was looking deep into her eyes.) 2 deep down a) if you know or feel something deep down, you are sure about it even though you do not admit it  (I knew deep down that I would probably never see Marie again.) b) if someone is good, evil etc deep down, that is what they are really like even though they usually hide it  (She may seem unfriendly, but deep down she's very nice.) 3 deep into the night until very late  (They talked deep into the night.) 4 two/three etc deep if things or people are two deep, there are two rows or layers of things or people  (People were standing three deep at the bar.) ~3 n the deep poetical the sea
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  (deeper, deepest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If something is deep, it extends a long way down from the ground or from the top surface of something. The water is very deep and mysterious-looking... Den had dug a deep hole in the centre of the garden... Kelly swore quietly, looking at the deep cut on his left hand. ...a deep ravine. ? shallow ADJ • Deep is also an adverb. Deep in the earth’s crust the rock may be subjected to temperatures high enough to melt it... Gingerly, she put her hand in deeper, to the bottom. ADV: ADV prep/adv, ADV after v • deeply There isn’t time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost... ADV: ADV after v, ADV adj/-ed 2. A deep container, such as a cupboard, extends or measures a long distance from front to back. The wardrobe was very deep. ADJ 3. You use deep to talk or ask about how much something measures from the surface to the bottom, or from front to back. I found myself in water only three feet deep... The mud is ankle deep around Shush Square... How deep did the snow get? ADJ: amount ADJ, n ADJ, how ADJ, as ADJ as, ADJ-compar than • Deep is also a combining form. ...an inch-deep stab wound. COMB in ADJ 4. Deep in an area means a long way inside it. They were now deep inside rebel territory. ADV: ADV prep/adv, ADV after v 5. If you say that things or people are two, three, or four deep, you mean that there are two, three, or four rows or layers of them there. A crowd three deep seemed paralysed by the images on these monitors... ADV: num ADV 6. You use deep to emphasize the seriousness, strength, importance, or degree of something. I had a deep admiration for Sartre... He wants to express his deep sympathy to the family. = profound ADJ: usu ADJ n c darkgreen]emphasis • deeply Our meetings and conversations left me deeply depressed... = profoundly ADV 7. If you experience or feel something deep inside you or deep down, you feel it very strongly even...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English dep, from Old English deop; akin to Old High German tiof ~, Old English dyppan to dip — more at dip  Date: before 12th century  1. extending far from some surface or area: as  a. extending far downward a ~ well  b.  (1) extending well inward from an outer surface a ~ gash a ~-chested animal  (2) not located superficially within the body ~ pressure receptors in muscles  c. extending well back from a surface accepted as front a ~ closet  d. extending far laterally from the center ~ borders of lace  e. occurring or located near the outer limits of the playing area hit to ~ right field  f. thrown ~ a ~ pass  2. having a specified extension in an implied direction usually downward or backward a shelf 20 inches ~ cars parked three-~  3.  a. difficult to penetrate or comprehend ; recondite ~ mathematical problems  b. mysterious, obscure a ~ dark secret  c. grave in nature or effect in ~est disgrace  d. of penetrating intellect ; wise a ~ thinker  e. intensely engrossed or immersed she was ~ in her book  f. characterized by profundity of feeling or quality a ~ sleep; also ~-seated ~ religious beliefs  4.  a. of color high in saturation and low in lightness  b. having a low musical pitch or pitch range a ~ voice  5.  a. situated well within the boundaries a house ~ in the woods  b. remote in time or space  c. being below the level of consciousness ~ neuroses  d. covered, enclosed, or filled to a specified degree — usually used in combination ankle-~ in mud  6. large ~ discounts  7. having many good players a ~ bull pen  Synonyms: see broad  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1. to a great depth ; ~ly still waters run ~  2. far on ; late danced ~ into the night  3.  a. near the outer limits of the playing area the shortstop was playing ~  b. long 6  III. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a vast or immeasurable extent ; abyss  b.  (1) the extent of surrounding...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. 1 a extending far down from the top (deep hole; deep water). b extending far in from the surface or edge (deep wound; deep plunge; deep shelf; deep border). 2 (predic.) a extending to or lying at a specified depth (water 6 feet deep; ankle-deep in mud). b in a specified number of ranks one behind another (soldiers drawn up six deep). 3 situated far down or back or in (hands deep in his pockets). 4 coming or brought from far down or in (deep breath; deep sigh). 5 low-pitched, full-toned, not shrill (deep voice; deep note; deep bell). 6 intense, vivid, extreme (deep disgrace; deep sleep; deep colour; deep secret). 7 heartfelt, absorbing (deep affection; deep feelings; deep interest). 8 (predic.) fully absorbed or overwhelmed (deep in a book; deep in debt). 9 profound, penetrating, not superficial; difficult to understand (deep thinker; deep thought; deep insight; deep learning). 10 Cricket distant from the batsman (deep mid-off). 11 Football distant from the front line of one's team. 12 sl. cunning or secretive (a deep one). --n. 1 (prec. by the) poet. the sea. 2 a deep part of the sea. 3 an abyss, pit, or cavity. 4 (prec. by the) Cricket the position of a fielder distant from the batsman. 5 a deep state (deep of the night). 6 poet. a mysterious region of thought or feeling. --adv. deeply; far down or in (dig deep; read deep into the night). Phrases and idioms deep breathing breathing with long breaths, esp. as a form of exercise. deep-drawn (of metal etc.) shaped by forcing through a die when cold. deep-fry (-fries, -fried) fry (food) in an amount of fat or oil sufficient to cover it. deep kiss a kiss with contact between tongues. deep-laid (of a scheme) secret and elaborate. deep mourning mourning expressed by wearing only black clothes. deep-mouthed (esp. of a dog) having a deep voice. deep-rooted (esp. of convictions) firmly established. deep sea the deeper parts of the ocean. deep-seated (of emotion, disease, etc.) firmly established, profound. Deep South the States of the US bordering the Gulf of...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) горн. глубокий горизонт 2) горн. наклонная выработка 3) впадина, пучина 4) погружение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) впадина; пучина 2) глубокий ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. глубь, глубина the unfathomed deeps —- неизведанные (неизмеренные) глубины океана the deep of space —- безграничность пространства the deeps of knowledge —- образ. глубины знаний 2. углубление, впадина; глубокое место the Boston deep —- Бостонская впадина ocean deep —- океанская впадина 3. pl. фбиссальные глубины (более 5500 м) 4. (the deep) море, океан; пучина the great (mighty) deep —- бездонная синь the azure deep —- лазурный океан in the cradle of the deep —- в колыбели моря to commit a body to the deep —- предавать тело (умершего) морской пучине 5. книж. бездна, пропасть 6. эмоц-усил. время наиболее полного проявления чего-л. in the deep of winter —- в разгар зимы in the deep of night —- глубокой ночью, в глухую полночь 7. ритор. непостижимое, вечная тайна 8. мор. расстояние между двумя отметками лотлиня 9. горн. уклон, наклонная выработка 10. глубокий deep river —- глубокая река deep wrinkles —- глубокие морщины deep grass —- высокая трава as deep as well —- глубокий как колодец; очень глубокий deep greenhouse —- с-х. земляная теплица 11. имеющий определенную глубину, глубиной в a mile deep —- глубиной в одну милю a lot 30 feet wide and 100 feet deep —- участок в 30 футов шириной и в 100 футов длиной soldiers four rows deep —- солдаты, построившиеся в четыре шеренги 12. широкий; имеющий большую толщину...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) глубокий to keep smth. a deep secret - хранить что-л. в строгой тайне - deep water - deep sleep - to my deep regret - deep in debt  2) серьезный, не поверхностный deep knowledge - серьезные, глубокие знания  3) погруженный во что-л.; поглощенный чем-л.; занятый чем-л. deep in a book (in a map) - погруженный, ушедший с головой в книгу (в изучение карты) - deep in thought - deep in meditation  4) сильный, глубокий - deep feelings - deep delight  5) таинственный, труднопостигаемый  6) насыщенный, темный, густой (о краске, цвете)  7) низкий (о звуке) a deep one - тонкая бестия to draw up five (six) deep mil. - строить(ся) в пять (шесть) рядов - deep pocket  2. noun  1) глубокое место  2) (the deep) poet. море, океан  3) бездна, пропасть  4) самое сокровенное  3. adv. глубоко deep in ones mind - в глубине души to dig deep - рыть глубоко; fig. докапываться deep into the night - до глубокой ночи still waters run deep prov. - в тихом омуте черти водятся DEEP water большая глубина DEEP delight огромное наслаждение DEEP feelings глубокие чувства DEEP file rude продувная бестия, тертый калач DEEP in debt по уши в долгу DEEP in meditation (глубоко) задумавшийся, погруженный в размышления DEEP in thought (глубоко) задумавшийся, погруженный в размышления DEEP mining noun mining подземная добыча угля DEEP pocket богатство, состоятельность DEEP sleep глубокий сон ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. deop, from P.Gmc. *deupaz, from PIE *d(e)u- "deep, hollow." Figurative sense was in O.E.; extended 16c. to color, sound. Deep pocket "wealth" is from 1951; deep six (v.) "discard" is 1940s, nautical slang, perhaps from earlier underworld sense of "grave" (1920s). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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